Hair loss that is particularly observed in men is a serious problem of today. In advanced cases, in other words, in the presence of completely bald areas, the most effective treatment is hair transplantation. In general, the hair taken from the nape is planted in the problematic area. Hair strengthening with stem cells is one of the most effective treatments after transplantation.
Patients who had losses in their hair but have no fully formed bald areas yet are appropriate for stem cell treatment. Furthermore, the stem cells are often preferred in patients who have undergone hair transplantation for the strengthening and thickening of new hair after transplantation.
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Before Hair Strengthening
In order to produce stem cells for hair strengthening, tissue must first be taken from the patient. Adipose tissue is initially the preferred one. A certain amount of fat is taken from the patient’s abdomen or from another small area with a large subcutaneous fat thickness.
50-100cc of adipose tissue is generally sufficient and liposuction for stem cells is easily performed under local anesthesia. The taken fat is delivered to the stem cell laboratory within a special bag.
If there is not enough fat tissue in the patient, then a skin biopsy of 3mm diameter is performed behind the ear and it is delivered to the stem cell laboratory. The cells are produced in 4-6 weeks in the stem cell laboratory.

During Hair Strengthening
Millions of cells belonging to the patient and are produced in the stem cell laboratory are injected into the problematic areas on the scalp by means of the mesotherapy method. In patients who have not undergone hair transplantation, injections are made into the areas where the hair is lost.
In patients who have undergone hair transplantation, injections are made to the areas where the hair is taken, as well as to the areas where the hair is transplanted. Stem cell is different from PRP. PRP is the centrifugation and instant injection of blood that is taken from the patient in the same environment.
The reason why it is preferred is that it is more practical, fast and economical. In stem cell applications, there is a 4-6 week reproduction period in the laboratory. It is a procedure that is divided into 3 days as the removal of the tissue and its injection for 2 times. However, the stem cell is more effective than PRP.
After Hair Strengthening
The patients continue their daily lives after stem cell application. The application is planned as 1 or 2 sessions. After the procedure, should be waited for 3-6 months to have the hair become thicker and stronger. An increase in both the number of hairs and the quality of existing hair is expected after stem cells.