While the mimic muscles are targeted in Botox applied for wrinkle treatment, the aim in mesobotox is the skin. The benefits of Botox that is injected into the skin in the form of papules are to reduce the formation of acne by reducing the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, to make the skin look smoother by reducing the secretion of the eccrine sweat glands, and to open fine wrinkles.
Furthermore, mesobotox has positive effects on the health of skin. In the mesobotox procedure, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C injections are often combined.
If you want to make an appointment, we can call you.
European and Turkish Board Certified Plastic Surgeons

Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Certificate of Competence

Before Mesobotox
Mesobotox is recommended for patients who want to improve skin quality, to prevent lower face loosening, who have oily skin and acne problems, and who have very large pores.

During Mesobotox
Mesobotox is a procedure that takes approximately 15 minutes, and it is performed in doctor’s office conditions. Patients return to their daily lives on the same day.
After Mesotherapy
It is appropriate to repeat the mesobotox procedure every 6 months.

Other Aesthetic Application Types
Other Botox Types